“TADBIR drilling Development Company (TDDC)” تعلن مشاركتها في معرض “سيربترو2021”

شام تايمز- متابعة

أعلنت إدارة TADBIR drilling Development Company (TDDC)عن مشاركتها بمعرض سورية الدولي للبترول والغاز والثروة المعدنية “سيربترو2021″، والذي تنظمه مجموعة “مشهداني” الدولية للمعارض والمؤتمرات على أرض مدينة المعارض بدمشق، حيث تنطلق أعمال المعرض في 7\7\2021ولغاية 10\7\2021

Some of the TDDC’s main objectives are providing onshore drilling and work-over operation and services of oil and gas wells. Completion and work-over on exploration, appraisal and development oil and gas fields, in Iran and overseas, and also performing drilling engineering services, providing technical drilling services, oil and gas fields studies and implementing drilling projects in EPDS form.

TDDC by purchasing four(4) brand new 2000 HP drilling rigs has completed drilling of one well in MANSOURI oil field (client was NISOC) and drilling of 19 wells and work-over of 5 wells in Development Project of North YARAN oil field located at 130 kilometers to the southwest of Ahwaz (west of KAROON River). It is a sharing field in Iran-Iraq borderline, i.e. in HUR-AL-AZIM area. (The estimated oil in place of the field is 1 billion barrels of crude oil), client was POGDIC (Persia Oil & Gas Industry Development Company) and PEDEC (Petroleum Engineering & Development Company).

Then TDDC got a project as drilling of 15 wells in Development Project of South AZADEGAN oil field, one of the biggest onshore oil fields in the world, located at 80 kilometers to the west of Ahwaz, It is a biggest sharing field with Iraq along Iran-Iraq borderline (The estimated oil in place of the field is 27 billion barrels of crude oil) as a EPDS & F contractor client was PEDEC.

During a six (6) months operation, TDDC has competed work-over operation on two (2) wells and drilling for production development of two (2) other wells in South AZADEGAN oil field.
Back again to AZADEGAN oil field, this time TDDC performed drilling of 15 wells as EPD project during 24 month with PEDEC as client.

In SEPEHR & JUFEIR Oil Fields, a new EPDS project with PASARGAD Exploration & Development Co (PEDCO) – as Client- is being started in April 2020, planned to be completed in 35 months. This is a six (6) wells projects as five (5) vertical drilling for development & one (1) as appraisal well.
In May 2021, an EPDS project as drilling and work-over of 17 wells in South AZADEGAN oil field, has been awarded from PETROPARS Ltd. This is a USD 88 Million Project.

TDDC, as a leading drilling company in Iran’s upstream industry specially in development of sharing oil fields, has planned to take a bigger share of drilling market in Iran and overseas by purchasing Two (2) x 1000 HP Work-Over rigs and establishing drilling services section.

PHONE : (+98) 21-2664 24 51-9
ADDRESS : No. 143, Dastgerdi (Zafar) St., Shariati Ave., Tehran-Iran.
CONTACT PERSON : Mr. Mohsen Khojasteh Mehr

وتقدم مجموعة “مشهداني” خدمات إدارة وتنظيم المعارض والمؤتمرات بأسلوب احترافي يفوق تطلعات عملائها، معتمدة في ذلك على مجموعة من المستشارين والخبراء المختصين أكاديمياً ومهنياً في مجال التنظيم والتنسيق والتسويق، حيث تسعى إلى بناء علاقات طويلة الأمد مع عملائها في الجمهورية العربية السورية والوطن العربي وليس مجرد تقديم خدمة فحسب.

ويعتبر معرض سورية الدولي للبترول والثروة المعدنية “سير بترو” منصة مهمة لتبادل الخبرات وأفضل الممارسات التي تمكن الخبراء والمختصين في قطاع النفط من تبادل المعلومات والأفكار في هذا المجال، ويجمع نخبة من كبار المسؤولين والمختصين والخبراء في قطاع الصناعات النفطية على المستويات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية للنظر في استراتيجيات قطاع الطاقة.

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